Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Enjoying the Family

Avery had her second sponge bath last night. Pics from the event can be seen in the most recent picture link. Avery is 12 days old today and has been an absolute angel of a baby. She never cries, just makes a little noise when she's hungry or when she needs a fresh diaper. She's doing pretty good about getting used to sleeping by herself in her side sleeper. We're keeping her in our room for at least a few months. I sure wish I would have had a side sleeper when Ryleigh was born...it's so great to have her right there and not to have to worry about not being safe in our bed. She's been opening her eyes a lot more the past couple of days.

Ryleigh is adjusting better also. She's definitely had some rough patches during these first few weeks, but she's starting to realize that she has a role in Avery's life too. We both try to do things with Ryleigh that are special to her. Last Saturday I took her to the city's Halloween carnival. Yesterday, Jeramy took her to the park and on Wednesday I'm going to take her to a trick or treating event at the local church. She LOVES her little witch costume and jumps at the opportunity to put it on.

So, here we are, just sitting around, looking at the baby, reading books to the 3 year old and loving every single fleeting second of it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Avery's Birth Story

At 4:58pm on October 18, 2007, Avery Skye Montgomery entered this world. This is her birth story...

On October 15th at 12:30am, Jearmy and I found ourselves on the way to the hospital feeling quite sure that I was in labor and that we would be welcoming our new baby girl into the world shortly. By the time daylight broke, my contractions had slowed down and my dialation had failed to progress beyond 3 1/2. The doctor suggested that we start Pitocin in order to induce labor, but I opted to head home and give myself a few more days...

On October 18th at 6:00am, we checked into the hospital with the intention of inducing labor. The nurse let me know that I was dilated to a 5, but that there were no rooms available. We held off induction until we got a room. Our room became available at around noon and my doula, Patti, showed up shortly thereafter. Patti immediately began working on my back and hips in preparation for the labor and delivery. At 12:45pm my doctor arrived and broke my water. Labor immediately became intense. At 3:15pm I had only dilated to a 6 and my doctor was ready to begin pitocin. I opted for an epidural first and by 4:45 we were ready to begin pushing. 15 minutes and 4 contractions later, Avery Skye was here.