Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our Big Announcement

Some major things have been happening for us and our family. Shortly after we made the decision for me to stay home we decided to put in for an international assignment with Jeramy's company. We've always wanted to go international at some point and decided that now is a great time to do that. After months of talks with Jeramy's company our assignment came through.

We're moving to Canada!! St. John's, Newfoundland to be exact. We are very excited about this move. We feel like it's going to be a great thing for the girls, a great move for Jeramy's career and there is even a graduate program in St. John's that is of interest to myself.

We met with a realtor last night and she had some great things to say about our house. We're hoping to get it on the market in about a week. Jeramy will be taking a trip to St. John's in two weeks for about a week. He'll be taking a look at some housing options and getting a feel for the place. After Ryleigh's birthday party on July 12th, the whole family will be heading up for a week long trip to secure a home, find Ryleigh a daycare and to sort out a few other things. After that, it's all about the packing and shipping. We get a 40 ft. container to fill with our things which will go by sea and 500 lbs. will be shipped by air. 40 ft. is not a lot when you're looking at a whole house worth of stuff. So, we'll be doing some thinning out over the next few weeks. We'll also be selling the vehicles at some point. (2003 Tahoe and 2006 Jetta if anyone is interested) We're still on the fence about Rocky. He refuses to go outside when it's 40 degrees here, not sure how he would take to the snow. Plus, there's the trip that he would have to make. My sister is considering fostering him while we're gone, but we'll just have to see.

So, that's it in a nutshell. We are incredibly excited but it is a huge thing to be staring in the face. There is much to be done from washing windows to choosing a new bank (we're still using good ol' Aggieland Credit Union). Also there is the enormous task of sorting through all of our things. To take all the things that we've accumulated over 8 years of co-habiting and try to squeeze them into a 40 ft. container is kind of surreal.

And no, my mom is not thrilled...that's the first thing everyone seems to ask when we tell someone we're moving overseas. But, we'll be seeing her as much as possible. And, there is the internet, oh wonderful, beautiful internet.

Keep checking our blog as I plan on documenting all the ups and the surely to be downs of making this move. Pray for us and celebrate with us this great new adventure in our lives!

All our love, the montgomery clan

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