Sunday, November 9, 2008

Massage Time

After Ryleigh's bath tonight I commenced to perform the nightly ritual of slathering her with lotion. After I was done covering her, she offered to give me a back massage. I gave her the lotion and gladly accepted her offer of a free back massage, who wouldn't? Even from a four year old. She put some lotion on my back and started rubbing it in when all of a sudden, something didn't feel quite right. I turned my head and craned my neck only to see my 4 yaer old daughter sitting on my back with her bare ass, giving me a butt massage I suppose. She started laughing and my mom, who was sitting across the room, and I started laughing like crazy. Just one of the many, many crazy things that goofy chick has done. And she shall be called, She Who Massages With Her Ass.

Mom and I got to get away today and do a little shopping at the wonderful St. John's Avalon Mall. After spending more time in Sears than I've spent in Sears during the last 10 years combined we ventured into the the rest of the mall. My mission was to get a new pair of jeans. I found the most wonderful pair of jeans at the Gap...size 8. Oh happy, happy day...a size 8! I've been working out now for about 10 weeks and I've lost 2 dress sizes and boy do my biceps look cool! I'm so proud of my self and of my husband who has also lost inches and pounds over the past few months. We're doing more than work out, we've committed to changing how we eat and how we live. We've got two adorable girls to be here and present for!

Time for some sleep. Mom and I are going to head downtown tomorrow and attempt to find some black boots. It is our mission and we shall not fail.


Kerry Beth said...

i'm proud of you lady - go team Monty!!

Karen W. said...

OK... As I sit here with snausage feet and HUGE belly at 8 1/2 months pregnant, I cannot help but hate you a little for your post about the size 8 jeans. Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of you!!! I'm just not sure I can see an 8 in my near future and that makes me sad :(