Monday, December 22, 2008

So Far Away from Home

Last Tuesday we climbed into a taxi in front of our house at 6:30am and headed to the airport. After a full day of traveling we pulled into Sugar Land just in time for dinner at 6:30pm, Texas time. We stayed with some friends in Sugar Land. Their four year old boy was one of Ryleigh's best friends when we lived there and it was so great to see them able to run around and play together again. Thank you guys for letting us crash at your pad!

On Wednesday Ryleigh had her eye appointment, which went really well. We're still patching and wearing the glasses, but all in all the doctor said that her eyes are doing well. She even said that Ryleigh may come to a point where she doesn't need her glasses any more. Only time will tell!

While in Houston we also got to visit Jeramy's grandparents, father and sister. All in all a great visit...then came the trip to Midland...

The flight was supposed to leave at 6:30pm on Thursday. At first the flight was delayed to 8:30pm, then to 10:30pm, then we jumped on a 9:15pm flight, then that flight got delayed to 10:35pm. Then the pilot for that flight couldn't fly because he logged too many hours that day. Then we got back on the original flight and at 11pm, we got into the air. That's a whole lotta time in the airport with two wee ones. At 2:30am we finally got to crawl into bed at my parent's house.

It's been a great trip home. I have eaten everything in sight. We've already had Mexican food several times...oh wonderful, glorious Mexican food. Everywhere I turn there are all sorts of treats and I just haven't been able to say no. This morning I finally made it to the gym for the first time in 9 days. I haven't gone 4 days without working out since September 1st and I was really happy to get my blood pumping again.

So, everyone is here. Ryleigh is getting lots of time with her Uncle Blake, but sadly he has to leave on Wednesday morning for the rig. Uncle Curtis showed up tonight. We do feel so very far away from home, it's kind of strange. However, my neighbor emailed me and said that they've had so much snow this week that she can't get out of the driveway. Oh boy, can't wait to get back!


Betsy said...

come back! we miss you guys! :) we've had quite a bit of snow, and it's a mess! i don't even want to imagine what it's going to be like in february. i'm jealous of your mexican food. bring some back. ;)

Staci said...

wow the fun of traveling with the little one's. We hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas.