Saturday, March 7, 2009

One Wild and Crazy Day

This morning started out with a kiss from my hubby as he was about to walk out the door to catch a three hour helicopter ride over the northern Atlantic in the snow to his rig. I still get butterflies in my stomach when he has to ride a helicopter and it doesn't help that we can hear and see them shortly after take off from our house. Something about watching a helicopter carrying the father of your children up into the dark, snow-filled clouds that makes one feel a bit uneasy. But, he indeed made it to the rig and has been working his fanny off since.

By about 9:15 the girls and I were at the gym. God knows I could use a few extra work-outs to get me ready for a week in Mexico and they really love the child-care area, so it's a win-win. After I did a round of circuit, marched up 43 floors and sent my abs into seizures we raced home to get ready for our good friend Jack's 3rd birthday party. It was Yo Gabba Gabba themed and was really amazing. I have to give total props to my neighbour Michelle and her endless amount of energy and beautiful RED monster cake.

We got home and the sugar high that the girls were on would not allow Ryleigh to nap and Avery stayed down for less than two hours. This made for a very interesting afternoon during which I ran to bathroom multiple times and stuck my head in a sink-full of water which only shocked me back into the hellish reality that I was in...single mom at home with two sugared out kiddos with bedtime nowhere in sight. We did make it through and managed to get some packing done for Mexico. Ryleigh tried on all her summer clothes from last year and they all fit better now than they did then, except for one pair of shorts. She has obviously been watching Project Runway when I'm not around because she kept marching up and down the hall with her butt sticking out admiring how cute she was in the mirror. She still needs a couple more dresses, a bathing suite and a couple of pairs of shorts to get her through the week. I got myself almost completely packed and tomorrow I'll work on Avery and we may do a little shopping for the things that we're lacking. Jeramy is going to be the hardest, the poor boy is really lacking in casual clothes seeing as he is all sorts of important these day and only wears professional type clothes. You know, the kind that he gets for free from work with his company and vendor's logos on them.

Over the last week the snow has almost all melted but since Jeramy left today, it has come back. God really likes to watch me shovel snow during the precious hours that my children are's gotta be my punishment for all that lusting I've been doing over Jack Bauer in the new season of 24...grrrrrrr baby grrrrrrr.

My cousin Brandi started the early stages of labor today, so please think of her when you say your prayers. She has decided to give birth at a birthing center with a midwife which means zilch for drugs. I admire her very much, but there is always risk involved in not giving birth at a hospital. Please think of her when you say your prayers tonight. My mom is serving as her doula, so I know that she has some of the most wonderful labor support available. We love you girl!

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