Monday, August 17, 2009

Returning to Texas, Cyber Style

Yay for me...I updated our blog! We are now officially in Texas, my blog says so.

We had a great visit with my sister this weekend. She and Blake came in on Saturday and headed for home this morning. Unfortunately I was sick the whole time with a middle ear infection, but we all know they were here to see the girls anyway. Not sure how I got a middle ear infection, but I think it might have had something to do with us going swimming last weekend. Talk about ouch, it's not something I hope to repeat again, ever.

Despite the girl in a coma on the couch holding her ear, we had a great time just hanging out, playing games and laughing at the silliest creamed corn. You had to be there. It's cool, us all being adults and having grown-up things to discuss. And since we've all been together for so long, we actually have things to reminisce about. And then there's Becca and I, in the same room, not yelling at each other. Progress without therapy, it can be done.

We said goodbye to Aunt Becca and Uncle Blake this morning but it's not for long. We're heading up to their house on Friday to hang out for the weekend and cook out for my brother's birthday. Little Curdle will be 23, not that it matters, we just want cake.

One week from Thursday we SHOULD close on our house. We hit a little bump in the road today with our lender, but I'm pretty sure that the loan dude will see the light in the morning. His appraisal came in considerably below the selling price, but these things happen when you use short sales and houses that back up to tollways as comparable sales. Idiots.

The weekend after we close on the house we're going to San Antonio for a night. My "little" cousin Haesten will be playing on the Odessa Permian varsity football team against some other team there. Yes folks, that's the team from Friday Night Lights. Ummm, and did I mention that Haesten is a freshman? Really cool stuff, and a great chance to see a lot of family.

Time to return to Texas, via Facebook.


The Biddicks said...

I don't remember a discussion about creamed corn?????? And I have to say my highlite was the neighbor letting us know that the show Ryleigh and Blake put on actually knocked glasses off the wall. :)

The Cantu Family said...

Where did you guys end up buying a house??