Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sea World....maybe later

We just got back from a really awesome little family get-a-way to San Antonio! When Ryleigh was two we took her to Sea World for the very first time and so to start off this blog post I thought I would post what I blogged from that trip on our old blog. Apparently I did not blog about that trip, but the synopsis is that Ryleigh threw up in the hotel lobby after the day at Sea World because we were new (dumb) parents that didn't understand the limits of a two year old in August at an outdoor adventure park. I did however come across this blog post and thought it was worth reposting since we are in the midst of potty training Avery. Once I get the Sea World pics up I'll let you know more about that trip.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Okay, I knew that it had a been a while, but two months! Bad Mommy, Bad, Bad Mommy. This deserves a good poop story...

This happened at least a month ago, I think probably longer. One Saturday we invited my boss and her boyfriend over to the house for a little cook-out. I was crazy busy trying to clean the house when Ryleigh decided she didn't want to wear her diaper. I consented to the white-trash potty training techniqe and let her run around diaperless. When I was about done cleaning, and while Jeramy was at the store, I decided to get her dressed, diaper and all. I took her upstairs and commenced laying her down and putting her diaper on...wait a minute...what is this??? It's poo-poo...on your hiny!! I cleaned her up and finished getting her dressed and then went through the whole house with her looking for the remaining "pieces". There were none to be found and Ryleigh was of no help.
Did you poo-poo? Yes.
On the floor? Yes.
Where? Huh?
Where? Huh?
I finally gave up finding and it and went on cleaning up the kitchen. In walks Jeramy. "Daddy, come play kitchen with me." "Sure Ryleigh, that would be oh-so-much-fun." (Silence while Daddy and Ryleigh play and Mommy cooks)

Daddy: What the....WHAT IS THIS?
Mommy: You found it!!!
Ryleigh: I poo-poo in my pan.

Yes folks, Ryleigh poo-pooed on the floor and then scooped it up with her spatula and put it in her pan. (best we could tell) Thank God we found it before she played kitchen with my boss!!

1 comment:

Collin and Marisa said...

That is funny. I'm glad you found the poop before your company arrived and they found it. Aw the joys of parenting.