Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Sad Event

For those who have and have not heard, there was a helicopter crash this morning off the coast of St. John's. It was a Cougar Helicopter, the same helicopter company that flies everyone out to the rigs here. Jeramy was not on it and he is fine, however he is now stuck on the rig until we don't know when. The helicopters will not be flying for at least a few days. He had planned on coming back tomorrow, but now we will just have to see. We were planning on leaving for Mexico on Tuesday, but that is also now up in the air.

There were 18 on board and so far there has only been one survivor found. They are still searching, but it's not looking good. These kinds of events always turn my stomach inside out and we've never had one hit quite this close to home.

Think of our Daddy. He is really ready to be back home. And of course think of the families of those that are lost. My heart aches for them in a very personal way.

Make each day count...jenn


jandscanada said...

We have been following the news story all morning on the CBC news channel and were hoping that your husband was not on that helicopter. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those and their families and friends who are involved in and touched by this tragedy. We have so enjoyed reading about your expat experiences on your blog since you moved here via a link from Kerry Beth's blog. We are relieved that your husband is safe and hope that he will be home soon. Suzanne (KB's Mom)

Anonymous said...

James just called me in a panic that he couldnt get ahold of Jeramy.He told me what was going on.He tried calling him on his cell phone and at work.He was very worried.Thank goodness you posted something on here because we were about to start freaking out.I need to get an updated number for you just incase I ever need to get ahold of you.I had to run around the house franticly then I remeber your here I am telling you that we are so thankful that Jeramy is ok.Our heart also go out to the families that are dealing with the sudden lose of their love one from this accident.Keep me updated.