Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boundless Energy

This morning I ate a new energy bar which turned out to be the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth. I was on my way to see my trainer and I hadn't had any breakfast, so I pretty much didn't have a choice but to choke it down. The upside, an amazing amount of energy all day long!

So much so, that I decided to clean my kitchen from top to bottom after dinner. I wanted to make it clean like other people's kitchens are clean. You know, the ones where you don't see anything but the vast expanse of a clean and empty counter top. Counter tops that don't look like they've had a meal prepared on them in months, maybe even years. When I had completed my mission, I quickly felt like a complete failure. The air smelled of Pinesol and the exposed part of the counters were clean, but the clutter seemed to still remain.

Okay, so surely I can clear out some of this stuff. There are Ryleigh's box of eye patches, if I put those away I won't remember to patch tomorrow. And there's Avery's baby's sippy cup, which she will want to giver her baby tomorrow while I am cooking. And then there are the bananas, which we go through so fast that it doesn't make sense to put them away. And what to do with Ryleigh's latest art work sent home from school that's too cool to put away where I can't admire it every day. Then there are Ryleigh's lunch box and back pack, which will need to be filled and carried out in the morning. And the paper towels, now why would I want to have to try and remember where I hid those every five minutes that something gets spilled at the table or on the floor.

Someday maybe I'll have perfectly cleared off counter tops. Someday when I don't have two beautiful little excuses to keep cluttering them up. Maybe then I'll be able to go months, maybe even years without preparing a meal on them.

I don't think Someday is something that I'm looking forward to very much because having perfectly cleared off countertops sounds a little boring to me.


The Liles' said...

I second that!

Karen W. said...

So what was the crappy energy bar?

Jenn said...

It was a Vega bar...the chocolate really sucks, but the natural flavor is okay...and by okay I mean that if I think happy thoughts and drink lots of water it will go down and stay down.