Friday, June 5, 2009

Pop Quiz

Why did Avery have to get a bath at 4pm today?

Was it:

A. she spilled a whole drinkable yogurt down her pants and into her diaper

B. she found a tube of mommy's lipstick and decided to do her own makeup

C. while at the park she decided to go walking in the muddy stream

D. she got to give finger paints a try for the first time today

E. she decided to pour out a brand new bottle of bubbles onto her head

And the answer is.....


The Liles' said...

Ha! I love it...not for you of course!

Karen W. said...

FUN! I'm seeing a window in to what I have to look forward to... Side note- Avery looks like such a big girl!

Betsy said...

priceless. i was leaning towards B just because you said the girls had been putting makeup on each other the other day. it was either that or the bubbles for me. but all of the choices were totally believable... :D

did you tell her how pretty she looked? :D she's such a cutie.