Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Environment and Science Do Not Mix...Texas Says So

Once again, I found myself bored, sitting around, eating bon-bons, watching Oprah and wondering what I could do to pass my time. So I got myself involved in a new project, I am now heading up the Environmental club for Ryleigh's elementary school next year. And seriously, I am so excited about this. It is going to be my number one project next school year. I graduated from college in 2002 with my Geography/Geology minor tucked under my belt and with the exception of some bus route planning at my first job I have not used my degree at all. This, I hope, will give me the opportunity to work in an area I am terribly, annoyingly passionate about. Teachers, get ready, those diet soda cans will now be recycled!

So, first off, some research. Of course, this is a PTA sponsored club so let's see what the ol' Texas PTA website has to offer in the way of environmental program advice:

"Environmental awareness is usually associated with terms such as climate change, global warming and energy conservation. Although it is important for our children to understand the importance of being good stewards of our resources, being active in the environment is more than science."

Well bleepidy bleep....there goes my plans for the first meeting. Sorry kids, there will be no screening of Al Gore's, An Inconvenient Truth...what with all it's sciencey science and all. Instead, let's make new paper out of shredded Scantrons and tears from polar bears. We'll just save the Earth via that route.


Anonymous said...

I've been needing to find those bon-bons.. tell me where you found them!!! haha!!

I cant wait to help with this! Its going to be so much fun!

Staci said...

I have often thought about this in schools. My nephews school uses the foam plates and plastic ware at lunch. Why in the world can't they get a dish washer and stop throwing away all that waste?