Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Magical Magician

One of my favorite thing about being a parent is when I get to show Ryleigh that I can do something that she never thought was possible.

This afternoon she dug up a set of playing cards from somewhere. After I tidied up the kitchen from lunch I found her sitting in the living room floor with a stack of cards in front of her, a stack in front of Elmo and a stack waiting for me. We've tried Go-Fish before, but she was much younger and couldn't quite grasp the concept so I thought we would try again. I scooped up all the cards and started shuffling the fancy way that my Grandpa Jack once taught me. She just stared at my hands wide-eyed and when I noticed her look of amazement I asked what she thought of that to which she replied "Mom, You're a Magician!" It made me feel like a hero in her eyes, which is beyond awesome.

This morning I had coffee with a group of other expat wives. This week was the most diverse group that I think we've ever gathered. There were four of us from Texas (one of which was originally from New Jersey...yes, she's a yankee, but I love her), one lady from Australia, one lady from Scotland and one lady from England. I LOVE having conversations with these ladies that are from and have lived all over the world. It's just so interesting to hear everyone talk about what they're used to back home and how they're struggling, like I am, to find some pieces of familiararity in our new country. True, I'm looking for chorizo and they're looking for pudding of some sort, but it's all the same need to find a piece of what you're used to.

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