Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back to Kindergarten

Tonight was a sort of orientation at Ryleigh's school for the parents. I got to sit in Ryleigh's classroom and hear from her teacher about what the curriculum is going to be like and what the expectations are going to be for the year.

Basically, she needs to be able to read "See Spot run." by the end of the year.

See how easy that was? And I didn't use up a valuable hour of your life like her teacher did of mine tonight. So, what was talked about for the remaining 59 minutes and 52 seconds of the orientation?

Well, for one, it was explained that if we need to change our child's mode of transportation home for the day, we need to let them know as soon as possible... and in written format, like a note, on paper... written in pen, pencil or grape jelly, whatever is handy. For safety reasons, obviously...

So this one dude raises his hand and goes: "This is just a suggestion, but you guys should set up something on the website that would allow parents access by password only where we could submit a request to change the transportation." And this other dude goes: "Yeah, that would work really easy, I know how you would write the code to do it." And the original geek, I mean dude goes "Oh, it would be sooooooo easy. I would do it for free if they want me to."

And as I roll my eyes and wonder if these guys work for the government given the amount of wasted time they would be willing to endure in order to avoid having to write a sentence on a post it once or twice a year I think to myself....I so love my totally non-geeky husband whose first thought would have been; my wife takes care of the note writing around here.

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