Friday, November 21, 2008


Other than mastering the latest dance moves, here is what the girls are up to:

Ryleigh. Oh where to begin. Well, she loves her school. She has several little friends in school that she sees outside school as well. She has been learning new things like crazy. The amount of things that she brings home every day is just amazing. I don't know how they have time to do all the things that they do. This last week she learned how to write her entire name. Go Girl! She is starting to memorize her "little" words and she can sound out a few things. But forget all that, it palls in comparison to this....she will now wipe her own ass. We have achieved complete potty training!! Congrats to my very big girl!! We make a weekly trip to the library, which she just loves. She still will not go to sleep at night without reading her two books, which I will gladly do until she won't let me anymore. She seems to have gone through a growth spurt here lately because overnight all of her jeans and dresses got too short. She has become quite focused here lately on her hair. It must be fixed like a princess every day, her words, not mine. She has also noticed that her hair is not as long as the other girls' hair in her class. This has begun to concern her. So, two days ago she was talking about how when she's older her hair will be longer, right mom? I said yes, it will be long when she's big. Then she proceeded to let me know that she saw something on TV that you can put in your hair that will make it grow longer. And, everytime she has seen that Pantene commercial since then, she comes running through the house to let me know. Bless her little heart. It's just a piece of the goodness and genuineness that is, Ryleigh.

Avery. Hmmm, how to start describing the most adorable, loveable, mild mannered, loving, happy, baby in the world. She really is amzaing. She is, of course, walking, no running, dancing! everywhere. Her jibber jabber is starting to organize itself into meaning. She can say (or something like say) thank you, uh-oh, Ryleigh, Mommy, Daddy and Duck. Why duck? Why not duck I suppose. She tries to do EVERYTHING that her big sister does. Something that has not gone unnoticed by Ryleigh who is starting to learn how to get Avery to follow her around. It's so wonderful to watch them play together! Avery is still not sleeping real well at night, but it doesn't really bother me. We are still nursing and will until she is ready to give it up. That being said, I don't offer it to her and when it's time for mama to be gone for a day or two, I think that she will be just fine. She eats just about anything that I put in front of her. Her favorite foods are strawberries and spaghetti. She is drinking whole milk and is really good at feeding herself. She is the light of my world and caring for her is my honor and privledge every day.

Both of my girls are my inspiration and my happiness. Ryleigh has become so independent and her ability to understand the world around her causes me to get caught off guard when she dares act like a four year old. Avery is totally happy all the time and teaches me to just enjoy life and take it as it comes. Which is what I'm doing as much as possible, with my partner by my side, every day.

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