Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mom, It's Prounounced New-Fun-Laaannnd

My parents have been here since late Wednesday night for a week-long visit. It's been a great visit and a busy one so far. Thursday we took a tour of the area which included a trip to the beach and sight-seeing on top of Signal Hill. On Friday we did some hanging out around the house and then headed out for a grown-up dinner (Ryleigh's favorite babysitter ever came over to watch the girls) in downtown St. John's. After dinner we went for a stroll down historic George Street and stopped for a few drinks and some live music entertainment. The parentals seemed to have a great time and it was a much needed break from the kiddos. Today we had Avery's first birthday party here at the house. A few of my new mommy friends came over with their kiddos and we had a great time. I made the same Elmo cake that I made for Ryleigh's first birthday party but managed to get it right on the first try this time! We got Avery the new Elmo Live which is a totally awesome toy! Ryleigh, Avery and I sat on the floor and watched him all evening. I highly recommend!

Right now we're watching some football and just hanging out on the couch. The girls are sleeping away which is amazing considering the amount of sugar they put into their bodies today. Tomorrow is supposed to be more rain, but mom and I are hoping to sneak away at some point for a little shopping.

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