Monday, June 22, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

I just finished reading an amazing book. Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.

This book has completely changed every idea I've ever had about volunteerism, service to others and giving back to my community in a very real and wonderful way. Greg Mortenson started out his life growing up in Tanzania as the son of missionary parents. At a very young age he became addicted to mountain climbing, an addiction that led him to attempt hiking K2 in Pakistan. His attempt failed and while coming off the mountain, lost and his health deteriorating, he stumbled upon a village that would set the course for the rest of his life. In Korphe, Pakistan he found hosts that nursed him backed to health and children scratching multiplication tables into the dirt. In appreciation for the village's hospitality he promised to build them a school.

Mortenson wasn't a professional fundraiser and though he had watched his father build a hospital in Tanzania, he didn't have any experience raising funds for and overseeing a major construction project.

So he just did...that simple, he just did.

He came back home and wrote over 500 letters to celebrities and the like, soliciting funds for his school. He received one $100 check. He eventually found a donor willing to finance the whole school which he estimated to cost $12,000. With the cash in his bag he flew to Pakistan and for the rest of the story you just have to read the book, it's truly unbelievable. Over a decade later Mortenson continues to build multiple schools every year in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

This book will make you say "What can I do TODAY to help someone else...someone who has had far fewer opportunities in life than I have?" This book will make you realize that it doesn't take a huge fundraising effort to make good things happen, if your heart is set on it and your mind believes in it, it can and will happen.

The book also touches on the horrible side effects of war, especially modern war, and the severe lack of cross-cultural understanding that is prevalent in our society today. His life is proof that so many international conflicts could be solved through open and receptive talk...over a few cups of tea.

Mortenson's Fundraising Organizations:

Central Asia Institute
Pennies for Peace

1 comment:

Staci said...

Now this is a book I will read. I love stories like this. I think that is why starting our monistry just happened we had the will to just make it happen. I can't wait to read it.