Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tales from Family Movie Night

Last night was our weekly family movie night. And the movie of the week was......High School Musical 2! Nothing like watching a 25 year old looking Zack Efron portraying a 17 year old getting ready for his senior year...that is until next week when we get to watch a 27 year old looking Zack Efron portray an 18 year old living out his senior year in High School Musical 3!

In the movie Zack Efron and Vanessa Hudgens' romance from last year fizzles out over the summer, then at the end (spoiler alert!) they get back together. As they realize how much they're in love and move in for the hug I hear....*sniff-sniff*...M:Ryleigh? Are you crying??? R:Yeah. M:Why are you crying?? R:I wanted them to get back together. J: And you're just so happy? R: Yeah. They're just like me and Kyle!

Attention Internet.... I'm not sure who this kid belongs to.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

that's hysterical! :D