Friday, April 24, 2009

A Very Brave Family

Yesterday my dear friends in Sugar Land, Michelle and Dave, found out that their precious little 20 week old unborn baby has a 99% chance of having trisomy 18. You can read more here on this condition. Several of the developmental issues associated with trisomy 18 have already been identified via ultrasound in baby Rhyder.

My heart is so heavy with love and concern for this family. Michelle and Dave have two gorgeous little boys that Ryleigh and Avery played with many times the last year we lived in Sugar Land. Those of you at Ryleigh's birthday party last summer probably remember the family with the boys that had blonde hair and big blue eyes. Michelle was a member of my neighborhood mommy coffee group and she defines the term "loving and devoted mother".

Dave and Michelle have an unwavering faith in God and his miracles... and they're praying for a big one right now. By trade, they are life coaches and so they spend so much of their life and energy loving and caring for other people, helping those that need it the most through the tougher times of life. The connections they have made through their profession have never been so evident as in the past few days as this news has spread. All of the loving and kind words that have been posted on their Facebook pages would make anyone yearn for such a close and loving group of friends.

I wish that I could say something other than I'm sorry. It's just such an unfathomable thing to consider dealing with. My little analytical brain is not very good at dealing with the emotions that come with this sort of news. You know it happens, everyone takes a big risk when they chose to bring a baby into this world. The love you have for your child, even from the moment you decide to "start trying", it's just incredible.

Babies are such gifts, God's perfect little gift to us so that we know what it is to truly love and be loved. Regardless of the path that God has chosen for little Rhyder's life, one thing that can not be doubted for a moment is that he is really, truly, deeply loved. Michelle and Dave, I'm sorry. And I am thinking and praying for you guys. I wish I was there to give you both hugs and to cry with you and to scream with you how much this sucks. I miss your whole family and hope to see you soon.


Betsy said...

i'm so sorry your friends have to deal with this. it's so sad. i know you must be so frustrated to be so far away from them right now. *hugs*

The Liles' said...

Jenn...I don't know this couple, yet I know what they are going through. My quad test with Addyson came back positive with this condition. After a fetal II Sonogram, we were thankfully assured that it was a false positive, but for 4 days we didn't know. I researched this condition night and day, and it is truly horrifying. My thoughts and prayers are with this family and you, as their friends!