Sunday, August 24, 2008

The First Week

I don't have a whole lot to say about our first week except which box is the tequila in??

Our things arrived on Tuesday and since then things have just been a blur of opening boxes and trying to find my way around town. I'm making good headway on both fronts. The house is slowly but surely coming together. Having Jeramy home this weekend has really helped. We don't have cable, internet or phone yet. We're up at Jeramy's office today so I can check my email and do a little blogging. I did get my new ride and she is soooo sweet.

The kids are doing fine. Avery is actively teething and attempting to walk every waking moment of the day. And there are plenty of waking moments since the teething keeps her pretty much miserable most of time right now. The movers broke her baby bed, so we've been attempting to keep her sleeping in the pack and play, something she is becoming more irritated with each day.

Last night we went over to a couple's house, the husband Jeramy met at work. They have a little girl that is Ryleigh's age and they played all night. When we first arrived I told the couple that Ryleigh is bossy and to feel free to keep her in check to which they told me that their daughter is bossy too so not to worry. By the end of the night they had a whole new definition of bossy child. Ryleigh made sure the whole evening went exactly according to her plan.

As soon as we get internet I plan to resume regular posting complete with pictures. I would like to say that we miss everyone, but I honestly haven't slowed down enough to begin to miss folks back home. That's probably not a bad thing.

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